Gas Engine/Tractor Show, Rotisserie Chicken Dinner, & Vendor Show
Always held on the second Saturday in June, this is one event that you do not want to miss. Whether you are an engine/tractor exhibitor/enthusiast, a crafter/vendor/shopper, or a rotisserie chicken lover, then you will find yourself in the right place during this packed, all day event.
We invite all Gas Engine & Tractor exhibitors to bring their favorite pieces of equipment out to the Fertigs Community Center during this yearly event. Visit with old friends and maybe even meet some new ones. Show the spectators and their kids what your equipment is and how it is or used to be used in society.
Calling all Crafters and Vendors, come set up what you enjoy selling during our first Vendor Show of the year. This is a pre-register & pre-pay event. We begin accepting applications for this event in January every year. Each spot is 12×12. The cost for each spot is $10.00. Watch our Facebook Page and Monthly Emailed Newsletter for the application process to begin.
You can smell the chickens cooking from just about anywhere on the grounds. Started around 6:30am these chickens will cook all day long on the spit that our President Gary Davis, and Members Jay & Lee Weckerly made. An adult meal consists of half a chicken, parsley potatoes, green beans, a roll, a beverage, and a dessert. We do offer a smaller meal for kids 4-12 and for kids under 3. Prices of each dinner is dependent on the costs that we incur when purchasing the food supplies.