Appreciation Dinner
This event has grown so large over the past 2 years that we have had to send out invitations and require R.S.V.P. responses. Not a bad problem to have as our events are growing from year to year. The Appreciation Dinner is held on the second Monday in December from 6:00pm – 8:00pm at the Fertigs Community Center.
Invitations are typically mailed out or handed out after the Fall Family Hayride, and are given to anyone that has volunteered their time to the Community Center that year.
We do ask that if you receive an invitation to make sure that you R.S.V.P. as seating is limited inside the building.
Yes, your children and grandchildren are invited to attend (seating permitted). When you call or text to R.S.V.P. just make sure that you tell us how many are in your party, how many are children, the children’s ages, and the children’s first names.
The dinner will start at 6:00pm promptly, the Community Center provides the meats, the mashed potatoes, the mac and cheese, and the beverages. We do ask that everyone who R.S.V.P.’s brings a dish to share with all of our guests (approx. 80 people).
While we know just how much time volunteering takes away from your family time, we do have some goodies prepared for the kids as a thank you for sharing your parents and grand parents with us. All children (Senior in High School and under) in attendance of the dinner will get a special gift from the Fertigs Community Center.
In previous years we have also had some special visitors stop by to chat with the kids, it is Christmas time and all!